Jan Mahood, M.A.
"Dream Your Life
Live Your Dreams"
Jan is a Creativity Coach, Intuitive Dreamer and Art Consultant/Gallerist. She has over 25 years of experience as a dynamic expressive arts educator, arts advocate, and creative business entrepreneur. Her passion is leading workshops and retreats to ignite creativity. She offers in-depth workshops and retreats for personal and spiritual transformation designed for self-empowerment.
She holds a B.A. in Theatre Arts and a M.A. in Dance Choreography & Masters Certification in Expressive Arts. She founded Dance Arts, an onsite dance program reaching out to children in over 23 sites throughout the SF Bay Area and then made a unique transition into art gallery curation & management in Oregon and California.
Jan brings a unique perspective and understanding of the art business and the creative process of making art. Her own journey into the nature of the creative spirit for healing and growth led her to Julia Cameron’s, The Artist’s Way, and the sacred meditation of Labyrinth- walking. The effects were profound and life altering, leading her to her JFK University Expressive Arts masters certification and to be a Veriditas Labyrinth Facilitator certification. She has studied active dreaming in depth with Robert Moss and the Continuum/Emilie Conrad & movement arts with Val Leoffler/. Mentors and gifted friends opened doors and windows into the world and nature of intuition/pre-cognition and taught me to trust my Knowingness. There is more than this....... let’s make our precious time here as beautiful, as loving and as meaningful as we can.
SPEAKER & Workshop Facilitaor West Coast Women's Symposium San Luis Obispo, CA, Oncology Social Workers Retreat Portalnd, OR Seniors & Grief Support, Pleasanton CA Sandra Wing Healing Therapies, Pleasanton CA